7) Choose the correct atternative. 1. if i will MISS//MESS the bus, I'LL BE// I'M late 2. Be carefull, that cum BREAKS//WILL BREAK if you DROP//WILL DROP it. 3. If you WOULD BE//WAS rich, i WILL/WOULD live in a big house. 4. your parents WOULD BE//WERE very angry if they WOULD KNOW//KNEW about this. 5. Be carefull if you FELL// FAIL into that deep water your DROWNED// WOULD DROWN. 6. our old car IS BRAKING//BREAKS down if it will GET//GETS too hot. 7. Clara would GET//GETS to school early if she CATCHES//WILL CATCH the bus. 8. Tom WILL/WOULD be very upset if his exam WILL LOSE//LOSES in the final. 8) complete the second sentense. Use the zero,first,second and third conditional. 1. Just imagine being rich. And all the thing you could know. If you ________ rich, what _________ you buy? 2. I might be tired thi evening, so i might go on bed early. If you _________ tired this evening, I __________ bed early. 3. You press the button to open the door. If you ______________ the button, the door _____________. 4. Hopefully, I'll have enough money to buy a cake. If __________ enough money, i ____________ a cake. 5. Dont eat all that cake, or you will be ill. you ___________ ill, if you _________ all the cake. 6. i dont live by the coasts, so i cannt swim on the sea every day. I ____________ in the sea evey day if ____________ by the coast. 7. i will get home on time. I dont wont my dad to get angry. My dad _________ angry if ___________ home late.

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