ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ПОМОГИТЕ!! 1. I have made this chair myself. Active voice Passive voice 2. I sent the letter to Paris yesterday. Active voice Passive voice 3. The boxes have been brought by the postman. Active voice Passive voice 4. The parcel will be delivered tomorrow. Active voice Passive voice Choose the correct preposition. (Выбери правильный предлог.) 1. This picture was painted a famous artist. 2. The telephone was invented Alexander Bell. 3. The bridge is built stone. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form of the Present Simple Passive. (Поставь глагол в скобках в нужную форму простого настоящего времени в пассивном залоге.) 1. English all over the world. (to speak) 2. His bags by his servant. (to carry) 3. Parcels to the post. (to deliver) Put the verb in brackets into the correct form of the Past Simple Passive. (Поставь глагол в скобках в нужную форму простого прошедшего времени в пассивном залоге.) 1. I in London in 2003. (to bear) 2. How many cars ? (to damage) 3. How much water ? (to pollute) 4. The play by Shakespeare. (to write) Put the verb in brackets into the correct form of the Future Simple Passive. (Поставь глагол в скобках в нужную форму простого будущего времени в пассивном залоге.) 1. My flat next month. (to repair) 2. The children from the window, don't worry! (to see) 3. All the participants at the conference. (to photograph) 4. The pictures in colour. (to print)

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1. passive/Active
1) Active
2) Active
3) Passive
4) Passive
2. Choose the correct preposition
1. by
2. by
3. with
3. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form of the Present Simple Passive
1. is speaken
2. are carried
3. are delivered
4. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form of the Past Simple Passive.
1. was born
2. were damaged
3. was polluted
4. was written
5. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form of the Future Simple Passive.
1. will be repaired
2. will be seen
3. will be photographed
4. will be printed

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