Помогите пожалуйста с заданиями по английскому. Exercise 1. Turn the following nouns into adjectives. Constitution; politics; symbol; ceremony; parliament; democracy; finance; royalty. Exercise 2. Find English equivalents in the text. Избирательный округ; представить законопроект; оставаться у власти; быть сторонником чего-либо; наследственный принцип; ограниченные полномочия; достигать соглашения; представлять на выборах; судебная функция; подписывать документы; государственные дела. Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences. 1) The United Kingdom is divided into … 2) Prime Minister is the leader of the party that … 3) The role of the monarch is … 4) The executive power in the UK belongs to … 5) The House of Lords can not reject bills that … 6) A “Shadow Cabinet” is formed by … 7) Members of the Government are not elected by the House of Commons, they are… 8) The official residence of the British Prime Minister is ... 9) The party which has majority of seats in the House of Commons forms … 10) MPs have holidays which last … .

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