Помогите решить тест. 3. Although they had high hopes that they would be successful, they ... out of business within six months.a) turned b) came c) went d) fell4. I really wouldn't joke about it because these people are deadly serious and ... business.a) signify b) mean c) require d) need5. He was very keen that we kept in touch and for that reason he handed me his business ...a) ticket b) paper c) card d) notice6. I'm afraid it won't be possible to talk to the boss today because he's away ... business till Tuesday.a) off b) on c) for d) to7. That's really not my concern at all and I'm certainly not ... the business of telling others what to do.a) in b) out c) of d) by8. They went ... business shortly after their children had left home and got married.a) out b) in c) into d) on9. This is the really important part of the machine and that's why we call it the business ...a) centre b) end c) area d) point10. She knew that there was some kind of ... business going on because strange things were happening.a) weird b) unusual c) funny d) stupid11. A letter which asks a supplier about the price of his goods is: a) a quotation; b) an order;c) a letter of credit; d) an enquiry.12. A letter which says an order has been received is called:a) a guarantee; b) a covering letter;c) an order-form.; c) an acknowledgement.13. A letter which tells a supplier that the customer is unhappy is called:a) a consignment; b) a complain;c) a confirmation; d) a credit period.II. Define the type of letters:1.Dear Sir,In reply to your request for our Catalogue № 135 we enclose a copy herewith, and we hope you may find it useful. You will find an order from inside to assist you in choosing the items you may require.Yours faithfully,a) enquiry b) reply (quotation) c) orderd) complaint e) advertisement2.Dear Mr. Storms:When a friend helps us on with a coat, we smile and say 'Thank vou’. If we drop something and someone pick it up for us, we practically burst with gratitude. Strange? Not at all. But it is strange that when we get into business, we take so many things for granted that we forget to say 'Thank you'. Take old customers like you, for instance. You did something pretty important for us - important because you think so much of your business that it gives us а great deal of pleasure to see it grow.a) enquiry b) reply (quotation) c) orderd) complaint e) advertisement

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