I have1. I must ... (return) the book to the library as soon as Iread it.2. You ought ... (make) more of an effort at school.3. I can hardly ... (wait) ... (see) you!4. It's difficult ... (read) English books in the original.5. You have ... (be) a pretty good cook ... (get) a job as a chef6. It's nearly 8. You are going ... (miss) your lesson.7. There's no need ... (rush) - just take your time.8. You'd better (stop)... quarrelling now.9. It's kind of you ... (help) us.10. The soup is too hot ... (eat). You'd better ... (cool) it a bit.11. You are not allowed ... (walk) on the grass here.12. Why not ... (join) them? We could ... (have) a lot of funthere.13. She is thoughtful enough ... (send) us a greetings card.14. I'd like you ... (think) it over first.15. It usually takes me an hour... (write) an essay.16. I have never heard him ... (say) anything of the kind.17. They can hardly make both ends ... (meet).18. Let me ... (close) the door, shall I?19. They can't afford ... (buy) a car.20. I'd rather ... (let) the children ... (decide) for themselves.21. I showed them how ... (use) the computer.22. Are you strong enough ... (lift) that box?​

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